What is MMAPS™?

MMAPS™ stands for Media, Message, Attitude, Patterns, and Satisfaction. We focus our attention on each of these categories to answer all of your customer-related questions. Let’s break it down:



Learn more about the different forms of media your customers are using to build a plan that reaches your target audience.



Receive honest feedback from your customers on what messages and imagery resonate with them, whether for a major rebranding or a simple logo redesign.



Get into the mind of your customers and find out what they already know and think about your products or services.



Find out what similarities are within your customer base and capitalize on them.



Are your customers happy with your company? Explore your strengths and weaknesses through the eyes of your customers and adjust your business practices before they become an issue.

The Story Behind the Surveys

In 1996, a team of advertising executives decided to resist the industry standard measurement tools, feeling like they were not statistically sound. They wanted to create a way to help clients maximize their marketing efforts and improve media buying efficiency. Why did they decide to throw out all they were taught in school about how to measure media?

They found that it doesn’t matter what standard measurement companies say, what matters is what your customers say they like, listen to, and engage with.


After thousands of surveys conducted on paper, the team realized technology could offer a more efficient and less costly way to tabulate surveys. Now, surveys can be compiled through a web link or by in-store mobile tools or devices.

Through all this history, MMAPS™ has evolved into an accessible consumer-research tool that helps businesses make smarter decisions from messaging development and media placement to customer service and beyond!

MMAPS™ is a product of JP Marketing.