When it came time for the farm to update its packaging, they turned to our creative team at JP Marketing. Our designers presented several concepts, which we then worked with Nichols Farms to narrow down to three favorites.

Packaging is a big deal! It’s the first impression of a product. According to our research, packaging can make or break a sale when shoppers walk down the grocery store aisles. So, before moving forward with just one design, Nichols Farm decided to test market their top three packaging selections.

Design Through the Customer’s Eyes

Our MMAPS Research team assembled a quick 8-minute survey with 80 questions that asked which of the three packaging designs resonated with them and compared those designs against competitors. Additionally, the survey collected information on shopping behaviors and brand preferences.

We sent the final survey to a list of relevant individuals in specific U.S. markets identified by Nichols Farms, including Seattle, San Diego, Denver, and Boston. As a result, our team collected 4,000 qualified responses with helpful feedback to inform Nichols Farms’ decision-making.

Out of the three options, there wasn’t a clear winner, except that every design was ranked better than the original packaging. One design offered a leg up against competitors and was declared the most eye-catching. Another was favored in the initial feedback for overall design but didn’t fare well against competitors. The last design was praised for its colors and aesthetic but didn’t generate any strong opinions otherwise.

They learned more than just insights into the three design concepts, though. Our survey results found a few key points that were helpful for Nichols Farms to consider moving forward:

  • Flavor, Fresh, and Natural were important words to include on the packaging.
  • Customer brand preferences were determined mainly by taste and price rather than familiarity and packaging.
  • A large percentage of customers preferred to see the product through the packaging.

Nichols Farms was able to take all this insight into their target customer’s preferences and apply it to design direction that met all their target customers’ wants and needs!